LFO Bands Updates to Website and Social Networking

Greetings fellow parents, grandparents, and boosters!

As many of you already know, we have made some significant updates to our Lakeview Bands website. Our overall goal is to make communication amongst everyone more effective. We still have a few areas that are under construction, for the most part though, the functionality will remain the same. We hope you will take the time to browse the revised site and take advantage of the new features.

We have also created a Lakeview Bands 501(c)(3) business page on LinkedIn. This will give your students an opportunity to list their involvement in the band on their resume profile. For our Juniors and Seniors, this is a great time in your young careers to consider creating a LinkedIn profile, if you haven’t already. This is a great place to highlight your commitment to something bigger than yourself, your passions, your community service, and get ready for that bright future that is set before you.

To connect and follow Lakeview Bands on LinkedIn, select these links.




The Executive Board truly hopes you will find these improvements beneficial. We all hope that your student’s futures will be bright and we look forward to a great year ahead!


For more information on high school LinkedIn profiles, please read this informative article.

LinkedIn Profiles for High School Students

We NEED you!

Parents and friends,

We need your help to make this 2024-25 school year rock. We need volunteers to help us with the Friday night lights—concessions, parking, selling programs, etc. Come try us out for a home game—we don’t bite—I promise. And don’t forget to grab a pack of water for your child to donate to the program—this is provided for the visiting band at home games as well as for our own band kids.

Ironman 2020 has been postponed due to COVID!

Are you 12 years old & older? Do you have Band or Colorguard fees to pay for, or maybe just want to earn money for your band account for swag or next years big Band trip? If so, Ironman will help you do so! Click the following link to sign up today!!! Once you’ve signed up send an email to lakeviewbands@gmail.com with Ironman in the subject line and let us know what you have signed up for! Shares are unlimited so invite friends and family to join!!! Check announcements for the next IronMan competition scheduled.

Click HERE to Volunteer for IRONMAN Chattanooga!

Introducing our newsletter “The Cadence”

We would love to provide this newsletter to our parents, however we are in need of a parent volunteer to join the board to take charge of this endeavor. If you are interested in joining the Band Booster Board, please contact us at lakeviewbands@gmail.com

We are converting meeting minutes to our new newsletter format.  Let us know what you think!

Welcome to our revised web site

Welcome to our revised lakeviewbands.org web site.  The site is currently under construction, as we try to make it a one-stop shop for all of your band/guard needs.  If you have any suggestions, or see something that should be revised, please email lakeviewbands@gmail.com.